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Jimin Parents : Park Pil Woo, Mi Jeong, Siblings

Image of Park Jimin

Jimin, the worldwide KPOP sensational singer from BTS, is known for his looks and talent and for being kind and gentleman towards his fans. He grew up in a very traditional family in Busan.

He is the eldest son of Park Pil Woo and Mi Jeong. His father wanted Jimin to be a scientist when he was just in high school.

However, both of his parents gave their blessing and pursued arts later on. The superstar transferred to Korean Arts High School, where he learned to dance and became a top student.

After successfully entering Big Hit Entertainment, Jimin’s parents became more supportive and excessively caring.

To know more details about the KPOP star’s parents’ love life and biography, continue to read the article below.

Jimin’s Parents’ Love Life

Image of Park Jimin with his parents, Park Pil-woo and Mi-jeong
Park Jimin with his parents, Park Pil-woo and Mi-jeong

Jimin is the son of Park Pil Woo and Mi Jeong; even if there is little information about the singer’s parents, they all remained tight-lipped with the personal details about their lives, especially his parents.

Therefore, love life details about Jimin’s parents are not disclosed or still unknown to the general public. Nevertheless, Jimin and his parents maintained their strong relationship even if they were busy doing concerts and traveling.

Jimin Mother: Mi Jeong

Mi Jeong is a mother of two boys. Jimin is the eldest, and Park Ji Hyun is the second. Ever since Jimin got so much fame worldwide, she never for once left her son alone. She calls and even sends food to the whole KPOP group.

Further details about Mi Jeong are not shared with the public for safety purposes.

Jimin Father: Park Pil-Woo

Image of Park Jimin and his father, Park Pil-woo
Park Jimin and his father, Park Pil-woo

Jimin’s fans know his father as a humble and kind individual. Like Jimin’s mother, his father is also very supportive of his son’s endeavors.

He even owns a cafe in Busan where the menu is BTS themed, and it even has some souvenir displays that feature his son. Jimin and Park Pil Woo are close to each other, and he even sends his son flowers to remind him to take care of his health.

In one news article in Korea, Park Pil Woo also donated a whopping 100 KRW to the Busan Office of Education to support the education of students in Korea.

There is also no information about the star’s father for the sake of their safety.

Jimin’s Siblings

Image of Park Jimin and his brother, Park Ji-hyun
Park Jimin and his brother, Park Ji-hyun

Jimin has only one sibling, and his name is Park Ji Hyun. He was born in 1998 in Geumjeong District Busan. He has also been close to his elder brother ever since they were kids. He studied in Busan’s Hodong Elementary School and later in Yonsan Middle School.

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